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Vlog #21

Hoe zorg je dat kennis over toezicht wordt toegepast in de toezichtpraktijk? Een interview met tips van Hadewych van Kempen (Bureau Inspectieraad). Over het vertaalprobleem, flessen wijn en beleidstheorie-analyse. [Voor de eerdere editie waarnaar in de vlogpost wordt verwezen, zie vlog #18]

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Vlog #20

Every regulator, supervision agency and inspectorate struggles to prioritise its supervision activities. In this vlogpost I provide 5 specific tips on priority setting, derived from my own supervisory experience. These tips involve portfolio balancing, goal hierarchy, forced ranking, accepting residual non-compliance, and tangible goal setting in advance.

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Vlog #19

Why do so many supervision agencies still publicly stress the legal actions they have taken, even though we all know that those numbers actually mean very little? This vlogpost outlines the alternative reporting methods can agencies use, and how this usage is impacted by the supervision agency’s reputation management.

  • Any additions, questions or other thoughts on this post? Do not hesitate to start a conversation in the comment section below.

  • You can also email me at if you prefer a 1-on-1 response. I would love to hear from you.

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