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Radio-interview van Jort Kelder met Aute Kasdorp naar aanleiding van zijn dissertatie 'Between Scylla and Charybdis', over toezicht in het licht van schadelijk maar legaal gedrag van onder toezicht staande organisaties.

This scholarly paper showcases three fascinating case studies that demonstrate how regulators/supervision officers can frustrate their own objectives. Through interview quotes and underlying relational analysis we make tangible how the relational signals that supervision officers give off - both intentionally and otherwise - can prevent them from obtaining voluntary cooperation of regulated organizations. The paper also discusses how to prevent this unfortunate effect.

Authors: Aute Kasdorp and Leonie Schakel | Publisher: Administration & Society | Format: scholarly paper

Vlog #22

What is a risk assessment framework, and what are the pros and cons of using them in your supervision practice? This post gives you my take on these tools, based on my experience in assisting clients with their design and implementation.

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